Do you carry out research-related work in your company? Let us advise you. We would be happy to support you in acquiring funding.
Did you know that numerous subsidies are provided from the public purse to promote research-related activities in companies?
The acquisition of these funds requires human resources and special know-how. Rabensteiner Engineering is your competent outsourcing partner. Starting with the free initial consultation through to the submission of the grant application, Rabensteiner Engineering offers you all activities for the successful procurement of funding.
Free initial consultation
We offer you a free consultation in which we define the eligible activities of your company.
Funding analysis
We conduct a comprehensive analysis to determine the potential for public funding. We list the suitable funding programs, including the specific funding quotas and possible funding amounts. This gives you a clear overview of the funding opportunities and you know exactly what financial support is available to you.
Project outline
Based on our discussions with you, we create a project outline in which the problem (state of the art) and the innovative character of the project are presented. The work packages are designed and requirement profiles are created for potential project partners. This project outline can be sent to potential partners or to the funding organization. The presentation of the conformity with the goals of the call as well as the correspondence with the funding organization to find out whether the project idea has a chance of funding are included.
Project partners
We will find suitable partners for you based on the project outline. This partner exploration includes obtaining the relevant documents from partners and, above all, at least one interview with each partner in which their suitability and motivation is checked. The result is a list of companies that have made a binding commitment to participate in the project.
Creation of the proposal
We write the proposal for you and compile the budget. This step requires feedback from the customer and all project partners.
All forms required for online submission are filled out by us. We comply with all criteria for a formally correct submission.